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NASA - James Webb Space Telescope




  International Banking Cartel - Global Council                       February 3, 2022  Washington D.C.




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 Information Consortium 






Desert planet 

It is becoming more and more apparent that the earth, our home planet, is not only poor but also a beggar. 
With the most advanced technologies and the  landings on asteroids that have come close to Earth, we have fairly certain and sad evidence that the Earth is more of a desert planet and dust heap than a useful and mineral-rich supplier for its inhabitants.
So far there have been over 500 special radar analyzes for various minerals on asteroids.
Science still keeps it a secret that there are about seven new metals on the previously known asteroids which, according to a provisional study, have not yet been classified in the periodic table. 
The biggest surprise, however, is the amount.  One cubic meter of soil contains 0.05 grams of usable minerals.  In contrast, more than 10.08 / 09 grams in the asteroid. 
So we are very poor in relation to extraterrestrial celestial bodies.  To keep earthly life in this form and quantity only very limited.  We are already facing famine and less and less mineral exploitation. 
The future, which in many fantasies should be rosy, will never exist.  There is nothing left to distribute, give away or sell.

Es wird immer deutlicher, dass die Erde, unser Heimatplanet, nicht nur arm, sondern auch ein Bettler ist. 
Mit den fortschrittlichsten Technologien und den  Landungen auf Asteroiden, die der Erde nahe gekommen sind, haben wir ziemlich sichere und traurige Beweise dafür, dass die Erde eher ein Wüstenplanet und ein Staubhaufen ist als ein nützlicher und mineralstoffreicher Lieferant für ihre Bewohner.
Bisher wurden über 500 spezielle Radaranalysen für verschiedene Mineralien auf Asteroiden durchgeführt.  Die Wissenschaft hält es immer noch geheim, dass es auf den bisher bekannten Asteroiden etwa sieben neue Metalle gibt, die laut einer vorläufigen Studie noch nicht im Periodensystem klassifiziert wurden. 
Die größte Überraschung ist jedoch die Menge.  Ein Kubikmeter Boden enthält 0,05 Gramm verwertbare Mineralien.  Im Gegensatz dazu mehr als 10,08 / 09 Gramm im Asteroiden.  Wir sind also sehr arm in Bezug auf außerirdische Himmelskörper. 
Das irdische Leben in dieser Form und Menge nur sehr begrenzt zu halten.  Wir sind bereits mit Hungersnot und einer immer geringeren Ausbeutung von Mineralien konfrontiert. 
Die Zukunft, die in vielen Fantasien rosig sein sollte, wird niemals existieren.  Es gibt nichts mehr zu verteilen, zu verschenken oder zu verkaufen.

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                         October 28, 2020  Toronto


 Information Consortium 



High-Throughput Aseptic Isolator for Vials and Syringes Filling Used in GMP Radiopharmacy  ·  For Filling Dispensing


 Information Consortium 





Purifying light: lights that disinfect the room
Artemide has developed an innovative technology that uses special light settings to ensure a sterile environment.


  International Banking Cartel                                       August 10,  2020 Washington D.C.






For the first time in around nine years, a manned missile successfully launched on Saturday in the United States.  It was also the first manned flight by a private company to the International Space Station.  The "Falcon 9" rocket took off from the spaceport in Cape Canaveral with the astronauts
Bob Behnken and Douglas Hurley.  It is part of the SpaceX company from Elon Musk.
On behalf of the American big business for the great success, thanks to Elon Musk and to all of his colleagues Dr. Constantin Helios Supreme Councilor of the American Section

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                      Mai 30, 2020  Washington D.C.

 Information Consortium 


 Universe size comparison 3D



Curiosity - NASA



Curiosity's Mars Methane Mystery Continues

"Curiosity's team conducted a follow-on methane experiment this past weekend. The results came down early Monday morning: The methane levels have sharply decreased, with less than 1 part per billion by volume detected. That's a value close to the background levels Curiosity sees all the time.

The finding suggests last week's methane detection — the largest amount of the gas Curiosity has ever found — was one of the transient methane plumes that have been observed in the past. While scientists have observed the background levels rise and fall seasonally, they haven't found a pattern in the occurrence of these transient plumes..."

International Banking Cartel                     June 26 18, 2019  




 Information Consortium 





Selection Will Return Launches to America

U.S. astronauts once again will travel to and from the International Space Station from the United States on American spacecraft under groundbreaking contracts NASA announced Tuesday. The agency unveiled its selection of Boeing and SpaceX to transport U.S. crews to and from the space station using their CST-100 and Crew Dragon spacecraft, respectively, with a goal of ending the nation’s sole reliance on Russia in 2017.

"From day one, the Obama Administration made clear that the greatest nation on Earth should not be dependent on other nations to get into space," NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 
"Thanks to the leadership of President Obama, the hard work of our NASA and industry teams, and support from Congress, today we are one step closer to launching our astronauts from U.S. soil on American spacecraft and ending the nation’s sole reliance on Russia by 2017. Turning over low-Earth orbit transportation to private industry will also allow NASA to focus on an even more ambitious mission – sending humans to Mars."

These Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts are designed to complete the NASA certification for human space transportation systems capable of carrying people into orbit. Once certification is complete, NASA plans to use these systems to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station and return them safely to Earth.

The companies selected to provide this transportation capability and the maximum potential value of their FAR-based firm fixed-price contracts are:
- The Boeing Company, Houston, $4.2 billion
- Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Hawthorne, California, $2.6 billion.

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                         September 16, 2014  Cape Canaveral

 Information Consortium 








2014 Augusztus 22-én, texasi gyakorlótelepén a SpaceX cég egy továbbfejleszetett Falcon-9R rakétája kísérleti repülése közben az automata egyenetlenséget tapasztalt, ezért bekapcsolta a rakéta megsemmisítő programját.

Falcon-9R - R = reusable, vagyis ismét felhasználható rakétatípus, mely az összes rakéták között a leggazdaságosabb.
A Falcon-9, 56 és 77 millió,  az orosz Proton rakéta 100 millió, míg az európai Ariane-5 rakéta 200 millió dollárba kerül.
A robbanást követően Elon Musk közölte, a továbbfejlesztett rakéta maximális teljesítménye kipróbálásáról van szó a kísérletben.
A vizsgálat műszaki kiértékelése után az eredményeket a cég a nyilvánossággal közölni fogja.

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                         August 22, 2014  Texas


 Information Consortium 


Dragon V2



Video: Elon Musk  -  Dragon V2 

Dragon V2
2014 Május 29-én Mr.Elon Musk, Hawthorne-ban  (California) bemutatta a nyilvánosságnak a magántulajdonú nagytőke űrhajózási vállalkozása a SpaceX legújabb űrhajóját, mely 2016-ban lesz indítható.
A Dragon V2 már tovább fejlesztett változata az eddig sikeresen bemutatkozott Dargon SpaceX űrhajónak.
A Dragon V2 rakétáival le tud szállni a kijelölt célponra és már alkalmas lesz a Marson való leszállásra is.
A SpaceX cég tovább folytatja a fejlesztést, melynek célja a repülőtéri kifutópályáról való felszállás és az ugyanazon módon való leszállás.
A Dragon V2 űrhajó már hét ember szállítására alkalmas, a következő generáció pedig mintegy tizenöt fő repülésére lesz kiképezve.

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                      Mai 30, 2014  Hawthorne



 Information Consortium 






A nagytőke magánűrhajója a Dragon, 2014 Április 18-án a floridai Cape Canaveral űrkikötőből ismét felemelkedett. 
A NASA megbízásából 2300 kilogrammos csomagjában százötven kísérlethez szállít tudományos anyagokat.

A Dragon most harmadszor keresi fel az ISS űrállomást, de a mai volt az  összesített startja közül a tizedik.

A magántulajdonban levő haderő részére való titkos szállításokról a nyilvánosság számára nem adható ki jelentés.

A magántőke már a harmadik űrjárművel hajt végre kísérleteket, mely az eddigi legmodernebb az űrhajózás történetében.
A Space X1 fedőnevű, repülőtérről felszálló űrjármű a tervek szerint 2015-ben mutatkozik be a nyilvánosságnak. 

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                       April 18, 2014  Cape Canaveral


 Information Consortium 







2013 Szeptember 18-án, szerdán Virginia államban helyi idő szerint 10:58 am, egy kétlépcsős "Antares" rakétán felemelkedett a nagytőke második magánűrhajója a "Cygnus".

"Cygnus" vasárnap éri el az ISS űrállomást 750 kilogramm szállítmányával, majd egyhónapi vendégeskedés után  tudományos kutatási eredményekkel és némi hulladékkal tér vissza a Földre.

A "Dragon" magánűrhajó konkurensének a "Cygnusnak" jóutat kívánunk, Isten áldásával.

International Banking Cartel - Global Council                     September 19, 2013   Virginia, USA


 Information  Consortium 
SpaceX Dragon  
 SpaceX Dragon   


A privately built unmanned spacecraft launched for NASA by the commercial spaceflight company SpaceX blasted into orbit Friday March 1, but has experienced some sort of malfunction after separating from its rocket, the company says.

The robotic Dragon space capsule

 launched into orbit atop SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket in what appeared to be a smooth liftoff from a pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 10:10 a.m. ET (1510 GMT).
But once in orbit, SpaceX officials reported a problem just after spacecraft separation, when the Dragon capsule was expected to deploy its solar arrays.


  International Banking Cartel - Global Council                       March 1,  2013 Washington D.C.





 Information  Consortium 

SpaceX Dragon

SpaceX Dragon 


The unmanned private spacecraft that carried NASA's Cargo to the International Space Station is set to return to Earth tomorrow, more than three weeks after it first arrived at the ISS.

SpaceX Dragon spacecraft's originally scheduled return date today was postponed due to inclement weather developing near its targeted splashdown site in the Pacific Ocean.

It will return about 1,210 kilogrammes of science samples from human research, biology and biotechnology studies, physical science investigations and education activities.

The additional day spent attached to the orbiting laboratory will not affect science samples scheduled to return aboard the spacecraft, NASA said in a statement.

Dragon is the only space station resupply spacecraft able to return to Earth intact.

Experiment samples coming back to Earth will help researchers continue to assess the impact of long-duration spaceflight on the human body.

Dragon is scheduled to be detached from the Earth-facing side of the station's Harmony module and unearthed by Expedition 35 Flight Engineer and NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn.

Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency will back-up cand monitor Dragon's systems during the activity.

Marshburn, working from the robotic work station in the space station's cupola, will manoeuvre the station's robotic arm for the release of the spacecraft.

Dragon will execute three thruster firings to move away from the station to a safe distance for its deorbit burn and will splash down around in the Pacific Ocean west of Baja California.

Returning plant samples will aid in food production during future long-duration space missions and enhance crop production on Earth, said NASA.


International Banking Cartel - Global Council                       March 25, 2013 Baja California




 Information  Consortium 






A Nemzetközi Bank Kartell űrvédelmi "Lightning" magánhadereje első hadgyakorlata a világűrben


  International Banking Cartel - Global Council                       October 28, 2012 Washington D.C.




                 Neil Alden Armstrong

Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also an aerospace engineer, U.S. Navy pilot, test pilot, and university professor. Before becoming an astronaut, Armstrong was a United States Navy officer and served in the Korean War. After the war, he served as a test pilot at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics High-Speed Flight Station, now known as the Dryden Flight Research Center, where he logged over 900 flights. He graduated from Purdue University and completed graduate studies at the University of Southern California.


A participant in the U.S. Air Force's Man In Space Soonest and X-20 Dyna-Soar human spaceflight programs, Armstrong joined the NASA Astronaut Corps in 1962. His first spaceflight was the NASA Gemini 8 mission in 1966, for which he was the command pilot, becoming one of the first U.S. civilians in space. On this mission, he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft with pilot David Scott.


Armstrong's second and last spaceflight was as mission commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing in July 1969. On this mission, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface and spent 2½ hours exploring, while Michael Collins remained in orbit in the Command Module. Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Richard Nixon along with Collins and Aldrin, the Congressional Space Medal of Honor by President Jimmy Carter in 1978, and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2009.

On August 25, 2012, Armstrong died in Cincinnati, Ohio at the age of 82 due to complications from blocked coronary arteries.

NOBLE HOUSE PRIVATE BANKING                                  August 26, 2012  Washington D.C.



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