The most important requirement is the safety.
The secret of success; Investment into the lucrative shares.
To buy in a suitable time.
For small investors below ten thousand dollars, the recommended investment is
to diversify the portfolio.
Because of the prosperity independent, defensive shares, with the highest classification, crisis free medium-range and long-distance investment objects.
The diversification and stock building are advisable.
*Diversification>The risk is divided. The safety is growing.
Investment> Investment into an well solid undertaking with tall solvency.
*Solvency - The undertaking's classification credit rating by rating agency.
Fitch Ratings, Moody's, Investors Service Ltd. Standard & Poor's
Highest classification - AAA
The investment is not identical with the speculation.
To the investment reasonable, analyzing, thinking necessary.
The speculations predominant part emotionally motivated.
A balanced portfolio contains
worldwide active, prosperity independent, American shares,
with future oriented mixed stocks.
Example; distribution US $50,000.- on base.
20% armaments industry - Prosperity independent
5% Consumer industry - Prosperity independent
5% pharmaceutical industry - Cyclically
5% Telecommunication - Cyclically
5% Energy - Prosperity dependent
5% Technology - Prosperity dependent
40% Raw material.
15% Liquidity